Distance 12 Gauge Round Slug Goes In Yards

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The Internet's Best Resource for Shotgun Information. Last visit was: Sun Jul 19, 2020 4:10 am: It is currently Sun Jul 19, 2020 4:10 am.

  • But then, a.22 will kill a surprising number of animals, large and small, if you are close enough and place the shot well enough. Your question is far too general. For example, you could certainly kill an elephant with a 12 gauge slug, or a.223, if you put one in an eye, or an ear, or another vulnerable spot, from a few feet or yards away.
  • Slugs can reach out and bird shot can cover a wide area at closer ranges. In an effort to gain a bit more knowledge over a few different 12 gauge shells – I decided to do a small test. Up front – let me go ahead and state for the record I have always used #8 bird shot for inside the house, and 00-Buck for outside security.
  • A typical 12 gauge 00 buckshot shell contains nine pellets of roughly.33 caliber ball. Some shotguns will shoot a very tight pattern (very little spreading of the pellets) with one brand of buckshot at a given distance while the same shotgun shooting another brand of the same size buckshot at the same distance will shoot a larger pattern.

'Ficus22' wrote in message
# At what distance do you zero your shotgun with slugs?

3 12 Gauge Slugs

# Also, what is the typical distance you've shot/hit a deer using slugs?
# Thanks!!

!00 yards is pretty good since it will typically shoot less than 3 inches
high (more accurate than needed for most shots) out to 100 and go to about 4
inches low at 125 yards. Another reasonable option of 75 yards, while more
accurate at under 1.5 inches high getting to 75 yards might drop to about 8
inches low by 125. 8 inches low can make a real difference.
I have seen guys hold a foot over the deer at 75 yards, underestimating the
speed/power of a slug, and wonder why they missed. BTW, you didn't say it
was 12 gauge but most folks concerned with shotgun slug shooting choose it
so I made the assumption. At 100 yards any brand of it will kill anything
in North America it hits well (shots in a Brown's foot don't count). It is
an underappreciated monster round, regardless of who makes it or the rating.
The sabot slugs do much better at penetration and accuracy; however,
everything not hiding behind steel plate will drop from a solid placement of
ANY 12 gauge slug.


The Internet's Best Resource for Shotgun Information. Last visit was: Sun Jul 19, 2020 4:10 am: It is currently Sun Jul 19, 2020 4:10 am.

  • But then, a.22 will kill a surprising number of animals, large and small, if you are close enough and place the shot well enough. Your question is far too general. For example, you could certainly kill an elephant with a 12 gauge slug, or a.223, if you put one in an eye, or an ear, or another vulnerable spot, from a few feet or yards away.
  • Slugs can reach out and bird shot can cover a wide area at closer ranges. In an effort to gain a bit more knowledge over a few different 12 gauge shells – I decided to do a small test. Up front – let me go ahead and state for the record I have always used #8 bird shot for inside the house, and 00-Buck for outside security.
  • A typical 12 gauge 00 buckshot shell contains nine pellets of roughly.33 caliber ball. Some shotguns will shoot a very tight pattern (very little spreading of the pellets) with one brand of buckshot at a given distance while the same shotgun shooting another brand of the same size buckshot at the same distance will shoot a larger pattern.

'Ficus22' wrote in message
# At what distance do you zero your shotgun with slugs?

3 12 Gauge Slugs

# Also, what is the typical distance you've shot/hit a deer using slugs?
# Thanks!!

!00 yards is pretty good since it will typically shoot less than 3 inches
high (more accurate than needed for most shots) out to 100 and go to about 4
inches low at 125 yards. Another reasonable option of 75 yards, while more
accurate at under 1.5 inches high getting to 75 yards might drop to about 8
inches low by 125. 8 inches low can make a real difference.
I have seen guys hold a foot over the deer at 75 yards, underestimating the
speed/power of a slug, and wonder why they missed. BTW, you didn't say it
was 12 gauge but most folks concerned with shotgun slug shooting choose it
so I made the assumption. At 100 yards any brand of it will kill anything
in North America it hits well (shots in a Brown's foot don't count). It is
an underappreciated monster round, regardless of who makes it or the rating.
The sabot slugs do much better at penetration and accuracy; however,
everything not hiding behind steel plate will drop from a solid placement of
ANY 12 gauge slug.

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Slug guns must be zeroed (sighted-in) at a distance where the slug will impact the target while still in the supersonic phase of its flight. Most slugs become subsonic, travelling less than 1220 feet per second, slightly beyond a muzzle distance of 50 yards, thus making 50 yards the ideal zeroing distance. Zeroing at 50 yards also cuts down, by approximately 60%, the chance of adjusting windage error into your scope setting.
A common shortcut taken by a majority of shooters is the attempt to zero their guns at 100 yards. This is a serious mistake as several significant factors come into play that will prevent an accurate zero at this distance in all cases. When zeroing a slug gun at 100 yards only, you never know how much windage is turned into your scope setting. Your gun becomes effectively sighted in for that day's wind only, and your point of zero will be as much as 6 to 20 inches off of where it should be at 100 yards.
Zero your gun at 50 yards, 2-3/4″ high of absolute dead center on your target…no left, no right, simply 2-3/4″ high. You will then be dead-on zeroed at 100 yards because gravity will see to it. Check trajectory data for the brand of ammunition you are shooting and adjust the height of your 2-3/4″ 50 yard true zero as necessary so as to produce a dead-on gravity zero at 100 yards.
Once your gun has been zeroed at 50 yards, you should fire the weapon at a range of 100 and then again at 150 yards so that you can get a feel for how negative factors, such as wind drift, will affect your shot placement. A perfect hold at 100 yards may now produce a target impact as far as 6 to 8 inches off your point of aim, but since your gun has been precisely zeroed at 50 yards, you can be assured that this drift was caused by a windage effect. Wind has more effect than most shooters realize on the flight of a large, relatively slow moving projectile such as a slug. Learning how to compensate for differing wind velocities and angles, especially at extended distances, is a lesson that must be learned if you wish to be consistently successful hunter and shooter with a DSG.
Although DSG's with rifled barrels perform similarly to rifles, they are not rifles and cannot be zeroed as if they were. Even the fastest slug is significantly slower than the typical rifle bullet. It is therefore extremely important to apply back-pressure to the forend of the stock with your left hand while you are shooting. Not doing so will result in the barrel of your slug gun jumping into the air off of the front rest, moving your point of aim and ruining your shot before the slug even has a chance to exit the barrel.
Let's say you have zeroed your gun in this manner at 100 yards, adjusting into your scope setting this muzzle jump as well as windage error. While in the field you shoot at a deer at 100 yards while holding onto the forend of your gun's stock. Your shot hits low or, most likely, misses completely. Flashcards app. Most would tend to blame the gun or the ammunition, when in reality methodology is the real culprit. Think about it! Learn to properly set up your equipment and you can be confident in your shot when the time comes.
Here is what it takes with a DSG and Lightfield sabot ammo to shoot the 'allusive 1 inch group at 100 yards', but only if the shooter…
• Can find a lot of sabot ammunition to match your barrel;
• Has a good rest to shoot off of and has spent the time necessary to learn how to shoot well off of it;
• Can find a telescope that will continue to work for more than 100 rounds. Most slug gun shooters cannot tell when a scope has gone bad;
• Remembers that rifles are zeroed (sighted-in) at 100 yards and then checked at 200 and 300 yards while DSG's are zeroed at 50 yards and then checked at 100 and 150 yards;
• Remembers to always use a range-finder prior to taking any shot longer than 100 yards;
• Will spend the time to learn the intricacies of shooting slugs at 100 yards. for example, a 10 mph crosswind moves a slug 5 to 6 inches at 100 yeards. A tail wind causes the impact point of a slug to move up, and a head wind will move the impact point down. It is evident that the slug movement of 6 to 20 inches at 100 yards is common. To take this a step further, a 15 to 17 mph cross wind, typical of what one might encounter during a November/December deer hunt, will move a slug 9 to 12 inches at 100 yards and a full 24 inches at 150 yards

Distance 12 Gauge Round Slug Goes In Yards


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